McLaren MP4-12C – Car Detailing, Paint Correction and Gtechniq Long Life Surface Coatings

Here we have a McLaren MP4-12C that came in for our Correction Detail. The owner wanted long lasting easily maintainable protection, so GTechniq fitted the bill perfectly. 

Few before and after photos during the machine polishing stages:

With the machine polishing stages complete the paint work was given a IPA wipedown and then protected with a solid base of Gtechniq C1. C1 was left to cure overnight and then this was topped with Gtechniq Exo

Gtechniq C4 Permanent Trim Restorer was used on all plastics and C5 Wheel Armour on the alloys and calipers.

All glass deep cleaned with Gtechniq G4 and then protected with G1 ClearVision Smart Glass

And here are the finished results….

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